
Showing posts from March, 2023

Chapter 1: Polly and Scott

Chapter 1 Everything starts somehow. Scott and Polly started in the halls in a law office before they even met. They didn’t know each other, but they’d noticed ones other as they passed in the halls. She was a paralegal in the securities department, he was a partner in the litigation department. Polly was aware, vaguely, that he was a big deal partner, but didn’t really know why. He was nice and she thought he was attractive, in an older man way. He noticed her because she was gorgeous. One Friday night Polly’s friend Lana, who worked for Scott, invited Polly to a post-COVID get-together of co-workers in the litigation department. Scott managed to sit next to Polly the entire evening. After a few drinks and not much to eat, Polly decided it was time for her to go home. Scott looked at his watch and decided it was time for him to go, too. He picked up the tab for the table then left with her to walk her back to her car in the garage in the basement of their office building across the